Thursday, November 25, 2010

Avoid "Ketibas" (Ketiak Basah)

I just knew about the term when my husband using it.Now dah nak start summer (ke dah start?) cuaca kat Adelaide ni dah mula panas.Bila dah panas mulalah berpeluh.Bila dah berpeluh, "ketibas" mungkin terjadi.;p

I was spraying my deodorant & suddenly Encik Husband terkejut.He thought that I was using Ambipur-our-pewangi-jamban cos the deodorant bottle is bigger than usual.Hehe.Macam botol Ridsect pon ye.It's actually made in Aussie.254ml.Bak kata Encik Husband, omputih kena buat deodorant besar, badan diorang besar.(malas mandi, kuat peluh tu tak sure.;p)

Yang paling tinggi & yang ke-3 tinggi bought in Aussie.2 yang lain, Malaysia.Tapi yang ke-2 tinggi tulis Made in Aussie jugak.Hurm.

1. Rexona Women Confidence Anti-perspirant Deodorant 254ml - Smells like powder.
2. Rexona Women Free-spirit Anti-perspirant Deodorant 150ml - My all time favourite smell!
3. Rexona Girl Dance Anti-perspirant Deodorant 100g - Seperti namanya.Smells as sweet as a girl.24tahun pon nak jugak.;p
4. Rexona Women Oxygen Anti-perspirant Roll On Deodorant 150ml - Smell fresh & clean.

And yes, I love to keep changing my deodorant,body wash, perfume so that's why I've more than one at the same time.;D However, one of my closest friends once said,"Ko pakailah bau apa pon, aku boleh kenal bau ko." Maksud beliau bukan busuk ok.Dia maksudkan yang she knew me very well.Huhu.

Deodorant & breast cancer?

"In 2002, the results of a study looking for a relationship between breast cancer and underarm antiperspirants/deodorants were reported. This study did not show any increased risk for breast cancer in women who reported using an underarm antiperspirant or deodorant. The results also showed no increased breast cancer risk for women who reported using a blade (nonelectric) razor and an underarm antiperspirant or deodorant, or for women who reported using an underarm antiperspirant or deodorant within 1 hour of shaving with a blade razor. These conclusions were based on interviews with 813 women with breast cancer and 793 women with no history of breast cancer."
You can read morehere.

And look, who's having the same deodorant at the same time.Her wife loves the same smell actually.;p

P/S - Ada lagi ke orang sapu bedak kat ketiak?Except baby ye.


  1. ad kot yg masih sapu bedak kt ketiak.. hihihi. mmg besa sungguh deodorant kamu. ckup utk summer ni ;)

  2. hihih~~aku masa kecik sapu bedak kat ketiak tu zaman dlu.deodrant tak belambak mcm skang.
